Friday, 28 February 2014

easy way to integrate PayPal SDK in your Android App for in App purchase

  1. first go the this link paypal SDK for downloading updated PayPal SDK (Version 2.0.1)for Android.
  2. Go to file Tab in eclipse and click import and select Existing Project into Workspabe under General folder click next and check select archive file radio button then click browse the from previous link and then click finish.
  3. Now you have import the file and you can see PayPalSDKExample  project into your packageExplorer. if you find Error then you could rewrite target in and android:targetSdkVersion in AndroidManifest.xml.
  4. After step 3 save and clean the project and  removed the error from project. 
  5. Now you can run your project without communicating the PayPal Server.for sanbox testing go through step-6 to step-17  also.
  6. open the file you could see the private static final String CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT = PayPalConfigurnatio.ENVIRONMENT_NO_NETWORK;  
  7. the line shown in step-5 indicate the PayPal Server Enviorment where we test our App there are 2 more  options  apart from above which is ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION   and     ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX. 
  8. for publishing app into market you would need to use PayPalConfigurnatio.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION environment for real time payment this is also known as Live Environment. while  PayPalConfigurnatio.ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX used for testing app without real time payment.
  9. Second line You could see is  private static final String CONFIG_CLIENT_ID = "credential from";  
  10. Your mobile integration requires different client_id values for each environment: Live and Test (Sandbox).
  11. Go to this link register your app for register your app for getting client_id
  12. if you have PayPal Account the you can directly logged in and follow instruction for registering app otherwise you would need to sign up .
  13. after step-12 you would click on create app button and follow the step to register your app and get client_id 
  14. replace CONFIG_CLIENT_ID with your app client_id
  15. create test account from this link whose type would be personal not Bussiness
  16. finally change CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT value  to PayPalConfigurnatio.ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX
  17. finally run your app and test in SANDBOX environment with test account without any real Transaction 

please give me feedback and enjoy coding and blogging